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Treasure Hunt (The Two Moons of Rehnor, Book 9) Page 15

  It was too intimidating, too threatening, too frightening for anyone whoever was admitted within. It was an intimidating room for an intimidating man, who simply by being who he was, frightened everyone.

  This stairwell was dark and gloomy, too. Katie ought to have it renovated while she was at it. These ancient stone steps were hard and unforgiving, especially during periods of frigid and inclement weather.

  The poor man had been limping up and down these hard steps for years. No wonder his leg was always aching. No wonder, he complained of pains in his back. From now on, she would make him take the lift, or they would resurface all these ancient steps with wood.

  Perhaps, he will be hungry when he comes home, she thought, while entering their cold and empty suite. She checked the fridge and made certain she had enough eggs, along with fresh bread, strawberry jam. She chilled a case of beer, which undoubtedly he would want.

  Katie changed her dress into one that was clean and fresh. She applied makeup to her tired eyes and brushed her hair. Then, she sat on the sofa trying not to worry. Of course, she failed miserably at that. How could she not worry when there was so much to be worried about?

  Eventually, Katie stood up again and began to pace until that crick in her spine forced her to sit back down.

  Now that Senya was recovered, and things would go back to normal probably, she might visit the doctor herself and get a prescription. It was something she had been avoiding in the last few weeks, as she had been devoted entirely to her husband's care. Of course, she had nothing wrong, just arthritis, a pulled muscle, or a slipped disk. It was absolutely nothing to worry about, despite the constant ache.

  When the balcony's French doors finally opened, Katie had fallen off to sleep in front of the vid. Silently, Senya stood above her, feeling the warmth emanating off her body. He listened to her heart and inhaled her scent, which he adored. He saw the tumor invading her spine, the one which was causing her pain. Soon it would begin to spread and infest the rest of her organs.

  Senya knelt down and put his hands around his wife's still tiny waist. Before she awoke, he eradicated all the malignant cells. When the day came, only then, they would leave together. It was a promise that had been made to him millenniums ago. Despite all their bickering and fighting, they still had a passionate love. He had no desire to stay in this life without his wife to share it.

  "Oh," Katie gasped as he picked her up. "Where did you go? You were away for so long?"

  Her tears fell against his cheek as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  "Not now." He carried her to the bed and removed her dress.

  Soon, she would have much to learn about. The next few years would be turbulent, and she would blame him for their pain. Eventually, as always, she would let him back in to her heart. This was the way it had forever been, and it was the way it had to be. For Senya, this life was merely Heaven and Hell mixed into one place where he must stay.

  For now, he would enjoy that which was his. And, for now, he would enjoy what he as a man could do. "Ah, Milaka," he sighed and melded into her skin.

  "Senya," Katie sighed, as well, "I'm so glad you're home."

  Chapter 21

  Taner was awakened in what seemed like the middle of the night. He rolled over and slapped the annoying and intrusive cell. It continued to buzz until he tore his eyelids open, and focused on the clock that flashed the time. Five AM, it read as the cell began to ring again. No caller ID displayed which meant it could only be one man.

  "Yes, Sir?" Taner mumbled.

  "I am waiting on you, Duke Turko," His Imperial Majesty declared.

  "Of course, Sir. I'll be there momentarily."

  Taner dragged his old body to his feet. He nearly tripped across a shoe which had managed to hide half under his bed. Yet, he found his way to the bath and made himself ready for work.

  In less than thirty minutes, Taner was striding across the Palace campus. Years ago, he recalled running this same route. Back then, he could go from here to there in four minutes, forty-nine seconds flat. He would have arrived in Loman's office with a fresh cigarette perched on his lip, a cocky attitude, and a sarcastic statement.

  Now, Taner entered the Big House once again. He climbed the stair to Emperor's office, as he didn't need to take a lift. Taner thought of all who had tread these steps before and since, especially those who had departed from this life.

  He remembered King Yokaa, Prince Akan, his old boss Loman and of course, Caroline, his own wife. Now, Berkan was gone, all too soon, unfortunately. Taner reflected how time kept moving no matter what anyone tried to do.

  Although he wanted to grasp Time between his hands and hold it close to his vest, Senya would have told him to open his hands and let it fly away. Though the ones who passed before had gone, when the door closed, a window opened with new life and love. Here, now, was Carolie and Rory, Joanne, Sam and Zem.

  Yes, Taner thought, time must travel down the road for good or bad. As Senya would say, it had to happen in the way it was meant to be.

  Senya leaned back in his chair, his feet up on the desk. A stack of writs waiting for signature lay right next to his big ugly toe. A cigarette hung off his lip, a steaming mug of coffee sat forgotten on one side. He was reading through a document, marking it with a pen, as if the last few months had never happened, and he had been here, just like this every day.

  "It's a bit early, isn't it, Sir?" Taner asked, whilst filling his own cup with coffee from the catering tray. He selected a jelly filled pinwheel and a chocolate cruller.

  "'Tis never too early to work, Taner, especially when so much has been delayed. Sit down. You shall need to begin taking notes."

  "Yes, Sir." Taner sat and pulled out the tablet upon which he recorded his memos.

  "Before the day is out, Commanders Kiman and Sam will be arriving with a spaceplane from the Queen of Rozari. On board, they are accompanied by two individuals, one of whom I should like you to take into your care."

  "Of course, Sir," Taner replied whilst smiling into his coffee cup and recalling how this same request had been made of him once before. "Will he attempt to kill me, Sir? Will he put his blade upon my neck and threaten to slice my head off right where I sit?"

  "I don't expect so," the Emperor replied, signing the document in his hand and reaching for the next one from the stack upon his desk. "This time the child is a she, and not a he. Sara is the daughter of the Xironian woman and my own son, Shika. She believes her father was my cousin's son, Pedah who died a few months ago."

  "Blessed Saint," Taner exclaimed. Here was an heir that no one had known of before. "Does Madame know?"

  "No, not at this time." The Emperor put his feet down on the floor. He lit himself a new cig and his blank eyes drifted toward the wall. "I shan't be telling her about this right away. There are too many other issues disturbing her. Take the girl into your care and let her bond with Carolie. The two of them shall need one another in the future. This whole event has proven that my plan for the succession will not work. Whilst I thought I had it all laid out, men insist on acting depraved."

  "What do you mean, Sir?" Taner watched as the Emperor stood up and began to pace. He strolled to the hearth where the fire was now burning brightly.

  "Can one ever have enough of anything, Taner? Or, must one always seek more power and more wealth? Berkan had everything he could ever want. Marik was to inherit the largest duchy in the entire Empire. Yet, that still wasn't good enough for either of them. The pursuit of a throne and crown trumped all. It distresses me to no end that men are still so base."

  "Not all men," Taner insisted. "Look at me. All I want are healthy tomato plants."

  "Of course, Taner." The Emperor smiled slightly as he turned around. "But, you have never wanted anything more than a medallion to show off to your mum. This is why you are here now, and Berkan lies in state. The law, Taner, the law must be the final authority, for the law comes from God and no one else."

  "You have written the

  "My hand was only the instrument for the Voice. When the people disregard this, they are no better than the animals below them on the chain. Unfortunately, I suspect, this is how the Universe is meant to be. Regrettably, this is why I will do this again."

  "Do what?"

  "Nothing." The Emperor shook his head. He returned to his desk and glanced at the next writ.

  "What about Luci?" Taner asked. "What do you mean to do with her?"

  "Let her sit for a few days and then draft an Imperial Pardon. The lady was temporarily insane and not aware of what she had done."

  "Is that all then, Sir?" Taner rose. "Might I go? With your permission, I'll return to my office and begin my tasks."

  "No, Taner." The Emperor paused. "There is one more item, which we must discuss. There is another individual arriving with my granddaughter, Sara."

  Taner sat back down and prepared to take additional notes. When he found out what it was, he was truly shocked. In fact, Taner was completely speechless, which was an extremely rare occurrence.

  "Your son?" Taner gasped. It was true then. Zem was right. "Your son," Taner repeated, "Who your wife doesn't know about?"

  "Ach, well." The Emperor shrugged and looked a bit chagrined. "The whole thing is very complicated, you know. She is going to be a bit perturbed.

  Actually," he sighed and leaned back again in his chair, “She's not going to speak to me for the entire next year. That might, in fact, be a good thing, depending on one's perception. The problem is, she'll probably lock me out of her bed, as well. Would you kindly do me a favor? Check her office and make certain her guns are disarmed, as I suspect she'll be tossing projectiles at my head, and I would prefer if none of them are lethal or made of lead. I have no desire to join my friend Berkan in the ground."

  "I think I shall head back to Turko, forthwith," Taner muttered. "I've had enough of you and your wife for at least a lifetime. Before I go, might I ask a question? Your younger son, have you met him before?"

  "Yes, we are somewhat acquainted, although he doesn't realize it. He's a good lad, a bit dense, but an amiable personality. He has potential to be something more, but I should like for him to start at the bottom. Find him a position as an intern at SdK. He has a good head for mechanics and solving equations. Let him work his way up, and in a few years, we can bring him here. By then, his older brother will have recovered, and between the two of them, perhaps, I may take a real vacation or two."

  "Very good, Sir." Taner rose once again to go. "I hope your sons will turn out as you desire. Tell me, what is the young man's name, and shall we address him as an Imperial Prince?"

  "No, Taner," the Emperor replied. "Just call him Rent."

  "This is your stop, Rent," Sam said as the spaceplane taxied to a halt.

  "Really?" Rent looked across the immense courtyard of the Imperial Palace wondering what he was supposed to be doing here. Had he been kidnapped again in order to be enslaved as a landscape gardener? He knew a little bit about pruning trees, and he could pull weeds. "Who am I supposed to see?" He asked Sam. "Is it someone in the employment office?"

  "Actually, no." Kiman took the young man's arm and guided him off the plane. "Come with me and I'll make the introduction. I'll be back in a few minutes," he called to Sam. "Then we'll head off to Turko to leave Sara with your wife and kids."

  "Aye aye." Sam saluted the new captain of the Imperial Starship Queen of Rozari. "I'll await your command and sit here until you get back."

  Kiman lead Rent into the Big House. They climbed the marble staircase, all three floors. Then, Kiman knocked on the Imperial Suite, and when the door swung open he dropped to his knee. "Madame," Kiman said. "This is Rent."

  Katie gasped and put her hand over her mouth. Her eyes grew wide as she stared at the young man.

  "Who are you?" She demanded while Kiman backed away.

  "Uh…Kiman?" Rent called, before he disappeared.

  "You're on your own buddy," Kiman laughed and ran down the stairs. Rent took a step to follow, but Katie grabbed his arm.

  "Who are you?" She cried again. "Look at me and tell me your name."

  Rent turned and looked at the woman he had seen in his dreams. She was the Lunch Lady, the Empress, the mother he had never known. At that same moment, something in his breast pocket poked him in the chest.

  "Just a minute." Rent apologized to the lady and reached into the pocket to extract the blue Firestone. "This wouldn't happen to be yours?" He asked, holding it out to her. It flared and flashed nearly as bright as it had done for Tex.

  Katie stared back at the man who so resembled her son. She watched the Firestone burn in the palm of his hand. She thought about Zem and the second jack, the jail and the hospital she could never remember. Now, here was the blue Firestone, the one from her first wedding ring, the stone that had been worn by the wife of the Saint, Markiis Kalila.

  "Senya!" Katie shrieked. "Senya! What the hell did you do now?"

  An hour later, Rent was sitting at a kitchen table. He had a dish of tater tots and a hotdog in a bun. Katie poured him a glass of milk, and then sat across from him staring at his face.

  "When I was in eighth grade," Rent was saying, "I failed geometry and PE."

  "Uh huh." Katie nodded, absorbing every word. "And in ninth grade, what happened then?"

  "I broke my ankle playing ultimate Frisbee and failed PE again. I think I kissed a girl for the very first time. Well, maybe not officially, because she didn’t kiss me back. Actually, I sort of caught her mouth as she turned away. Hey, Mom? Can I have some more ketchup, please?" He held up his plate and smiled just like Shika.

  "Anything you want, dear." Katie went to the fridge, her mind still in a daze. She took out the ketchup bottle as the door to the back stairway opened.

  "What's for dinner?" Senya asked.

  "Ketchup!" Katie roared.

  "Tex?" Rent gasped and ducked for cover beneath the table.

  Chapter 22

  When Hannah vacationed on Cascadia III with her husband and kids, she found her mind wandering constantly to Marik Korelesk. As she watched her kids play in the pool, she dreamed about Marik and what they had done in bed. While cooking dinner for Lee, Hannah imagined Marik licking her naked body dressed in whipped cream. When Hannah did the laundry, she pretended Marik was there stripping off her clothes. She was so distracted by these constant fantasies; she never noticed when her cycle became late. In fact, it wasn't until a month later, upon returning to the Queen of Rozari, Hannah discovered that Marik dead, but something deep inside her was alive.

  Nine months after their wild tryst in Marik's cabin, Hannah gave birth to a strapping baby boy. He had bright orange hair like his father and emerald green eyes like his mother. He screamed at the top of his lungs to announce his presence. Hannah named her new son Marik Korelesk. As the only son of the late Earl, he was now first in line to the Duchy's title and estate. Although, Marik's brother, Petya was now officially the Duke, Hannah resolved to win back her baby son's holdings.

  Lee, even though he was an agreeable guy, couldn't abide by his wife's infidelity. He divorced Hannah without cause and was awarded full and complete custody of their two kids. Hannah never saw her Cascadian family again.

  Angelica Korelesk gave birth at the Palace of Mishnah, where she was living with her grandmother ever since her grandfather died. Angelica was hoping by some odd twist of fate that her baby would actually turn out to be the son of the Imperial Prince. She had forgotten how knocked up she was when she had first arrived.

  Unfortunately for Angelica, it was quite obvious when the baby made his appearance. He was not and never could have been a de Kudisha. He was, in fact, a Beckwad, which meant he had two entirely independent heads, which were perched upon a single body shared by both.

  When Angelica got over her initial horror, she realized that the rock star and the brother had sired her son. They were not exactly brothers, at least in a conventional sense. They were a Beckwad, which Angeli
ca had been too drunk to notice.

  Angelica and her Beckwad baby returned to Cyganus, where her grandmother, the Queen, banished her to an all girl's boarding school. There Angelica began to eat, and since she had never lost the pregnancy weight, by the time she graduated high school, she was four hundred-fifty pounds.

  Angelica's other grandmother, the Dowager Duchess Korelesk, was still working at the Palace with the Empress. Her duties were limited to napkin folding and writing place cards by hand. Anything more stressful would cause the Dowager Duchess to burst into tears and scream. Often, it was required that she be subdued. If Luci started laughing, her co-worker, Shelly would call the guards. Luci was then confined to her rooms, where she spent the hours yelling at her dead husband, Berkan. It was generally assumed that Berkan was glad that he was dead.

  Steven Golden was cleaning the air vents outside the SpaceWay Inn Motel. He was wearing a space suit and humming a song he had remembered from his youth. It had something to do with gambling which Steven thought was an appropriate theme as the SpaceWay Inn had recently remolded into a resort and casino.

  After Steven went back inside and put his suit away, he took over the front desk from the girl who worked the day shift. Steven was officially the night manager, although often he stayed and worked half the morning, too. He considered it his personal responsibility to clear out sleeping drunks from the hotel lobby.

  Steven had been good about staying off the sauce. For nearly a year, he was completely and totally sober. He wrote emails to his mother every day and once a week, he called her to chat. Steven found it incredibly funny that he had a younger brother.

  Steven hadn't spoken to his father in more than a year. He knew the old man was furious at his deceit. His mother told him to be patient, even though she wasn't speaking to his father herself. When he asked his brother for advice, Rent just stared and shrugged.